Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Weekend with My Couz's

Date: 7 - 9 February 2009

This was the weekend of Thaipusam Holiday and Zidane's cousins from JB came to visit. Everyone was so excited to see Zidane and played with him most of the time.

All photographs were taken by Farhana...thanx a got a good eye for details plus loads of creativity. Guess thats some of the good qualities that a second child possess..heheh... Aunty Gina pun same gak...

With Abg Islam...the REBEL!..hehe
whaddaya lookin' at?

Thank you Kak Husna for being Zidane's babysitter angel for the weekend..

one of my favourites....


old skool photos by Farhana

hand in hand..

mousie feet


a kiss from beautiful angel...

sleeping time.

here's another angel, always taking me for walks outside...
Thank you Makcik Abidah!

Rahman, Husna n Zidane...

Finally, Mama's here to feed me...

From left:
Husna, Rahman, Ummi a.k.a Kak Teh, Zidane & Farhana.


  1. ohoho,
    aunty geena.
    i love the pics! [not boasting okay?]
    esp, the 3rd pic..
    it looks like zidane is blowing a raspberry to someone.

    really funny.

    and I like the pic of you and zidane.
    you look soooo, motherly?


